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Nazwy przeniesione na Mazowszu wschodnim i północno-wschodnim (koniec XIV––XV wiek)
Gochna, Michał (1988– )
Kowalczyk-Heyman, Elżbieta
Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:Mazowsze ; średniowiecze ; przenoszenie nazw ; toponomastyka
Abstract:This paper presents problems occurring during research on origins of names of settlements which wereestablished within a large settlement action organised by prince Janusz I and continued by his successors(the turn of the 15th century). Those problems were illustrated by an example of more than 20 transferrednames. Considerations are presented on two levels: historical and toponymical. The main historicalsource base refers to two areas of eastern and northeastern Masovia — the region of Liw and the regionsof Łomża and Wizna. Main criteria that could help researchers to identify the home villages ofsettlers are presented, as well as changes in the form of new names, and establishing new names basedon different name foundations. Those analyses are elaborated, partially, by using data published at the“Atlas Fontium” digital platform, created and developed in the Historical Atlas Section of the TadeuszManteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
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