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Antroponimi femminili trecenteschi in una valle francoprovenzale piemontese: la Valledi Lanzo
Subtitle:Female anthroponyms Trecentie in a Piemontese Francoprovenzale Valley : The Valley Of Lanzo
Creator: Publisher:Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:anthroponyms ; family names ; female names ; nicknames
Abstract:Although to a lesser extent than male, some traces of female anthroponyms can be found in the MiddleAges even in the mountains. Administrative and financial documents that record all money and goodsbusiness can be used as a source.This research is focused on thirteenth-century female names in the Piedmontese valley of Lanzo,where a Francoprovençal dialect is spoken. These are anthroponyms that offer a remarkable unexpectedrichness and varieties of apparently functional outcomes to identify women.In the discussed area the given names are the ones that most probably could be expected in theMiddle Ages in Piedmont and the family names are particularly rich and varied (patronymic, nicknames,toponyms, etc.).There is also a peculiarity: female names or female nicknames are sometimes attributed to men.
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