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A Fuzzy Rulebase Approach to Remap Gridded Spatial Data: First Experiments
Subtitle:Raport Badawczy = Research Report ; RB/41/2013
Creator:Verstraete, Jӧrg Lodewijk : Autor
Publisher:Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:7 stron ; 21 cm ; Bibliografia s. 7
Subject and Keywords:Grid ; Fuzzy methods ; Siatka przestrzenna ; Analiza danych przestrzennych ; Spatial data analysis ; Przetwarzanie rozmyte
Abstract:In many fields of research where different gridded spatial data needs to be processed, the grids do not align properly. This can be for a multitude of reasons for this, and it complicates drawing conclusions and further processing the data, requiring one grid to be transformed to match the other grid. In this article, we present the first results of a completely new approach to transforming data that are represented in one grid, to have it match a given target grid. The approach uses techniques from artificial intelligence and simulates an intelligent reasoning on how the grid can be transformed, using additionally available information to estimate the underlying distribution. The article describes the algorithm, and results on artificial datasets are discussed.
Relation:Raport Badawczy = Research Report
Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Source: Language: Language of abstract: Rights:Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Terms of use:Zasób chroniony prawem autorskim. [CC BY 4.0 Międzynarodowe] Korzystanie dozwolone zgodnie z licencją Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0, której pełne postanowienia dostępne są pod adresem: ; -
Digitizing institution:Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Original in:Biblioteka Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN
Projects co-financed by: Access:This content is hosted outside the digital library.
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