@misc{Bijok_Paweł_Cost_1996, author={Bijok, Paweł}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Dziekanów Leśny}, howpublished={online}, year={1996}, language={eng}, abstract={Two species of Tribolium and their two phenotypic groups were compared in terms of rate of respiration and production of body biomass and eggs. Intraspecies differences are greater than interspecies ones. The 7-instar groups expend relatively more energy on maintenance while 6-instar ones expend more on growth and reproduction. That indicates different life strategies in the two groups. The intrapopulation diversity improves plasticity of the species.}, title={Cost of maintenance and production in flour beetles Tribolium castaneum Hbst. and T. confusum Duval - intrapopulation diversity}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/86874/PDF/WA058_89642_P2840-T44_Eko-Pol-A-Nr-1-2.pdf}, volume={44}, number={1-2}, journal={Ekologia Polska}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN}, keywords={Tribolium, metabolism, production efficiency, life-strategy, intrapopulation diversity}, }