@misc{Kuntze_Roman_Marian_(1902–1944)_Notatka_1933, author={Kuntze, Roman Marian (1902–1944)}, copyright={Public Domain}, journal={Publications of famous biologists - a collection of prints}, address={Warszawa}, address={(Warszawa)}, howpublished={online}, year={1933}, publisher={[unknown]}, publisher={(Drukarnia Kasy imienia Mianowskiego)}, language={pol}, type={Text}, title={Notatka o faunie wzgórza pod Międzyhorcami w okolicy Halicza = Notizen über die Fauna eines xerothermen Hügels in der Gegend von Halicz}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/82990/PDF/613.pdf}, keywords={Xerothermic fauna, Xerothermic fauna - zoogeography, Xerothermic fauna - birds ( Coleoptera, Orthoptera), Xerothermic fauna - zoogeography - Międzyhorce - area near Halicz, Birds ( Coleoptera, Orthoptera) - Międzyhorce - area near Halicz}, }