@misc{Lipinski_P._Statistical_1988, author={Lipinski, P. and Berveiller, M. and Corvasce, F.}, volume={40}, number={5-6}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Archives of Mechanics}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1988}, publisher={Polish Scientific Publishers IFTR}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of this study is to determine the elastoplastic properties of metallic polycrystals at large strains using the statistical methods developed by E. Kr ner [e.g.: Graded and perfect disorder in random medium elasticity. J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE 106, 889-914 (1980)]. The large number of microfields describing the internal structure evolution is taken into account. The evolution laws for these parameters are recalled or proposed. A few numerical results are finally presented which illustrate the evolution of the internal structure. Special attention is focussed on internal stresses and on stored energy linked with these second-order residual stresses and their influence on the overall behaviour of the polycrystal.}, title={Statistical approach to elastoplastic behaviour of polycrystals at finite deformations}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/82347/PDF/WA727_18059_40-5-6-1988_AMS_Lipinski-17.pdf}, keywords={Mechanika stosowana - czasopisma [KABA]}, }