@misc{Czajkowski_Janusz_Anaesthesia_1976, author={Czajkowski, Janusz and Deszkiewicz, Andrzej and Polański, Jerzy and Olszewski, Waldemar and Ruka, Mirosław}, volume={4}, number={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Therapy}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1976}, publisher={PZWL}, language={eng}, abstract={Anaesthesia with a mixture of halothane, nitrous oxide and oxygen was used for allogenic liver transplantation in 24 pigs. All animals had haemodynamic disturbances due to the technique of the operation: metabolic acidosis, disturbances of bioelectric activity of the heart and electrolyte level changes. The methods of management of these disturbances are discussed. Favourable results were obtained when transfusing heparinized stored blood in place of initially used ACD blood which increased the intensity of metabolic acidosis. Details of the technique and method of anaesthesia and monitoring of animals during operation are discussed.}, type={Text}, title={Anaesthesia for orthotopic allogenic liver transplantation in pigs}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/81417/PDF/Anaesthesia.pdf}, }