@misc{Emmart_E._W._The_1970, author={Emmart, E. W. and Mossakowski, Mirosław Jan (1929–2001)}, volume={14}, number={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={General and Comparative Endocrinology}, howpublished={online}, year={1970}, publisher={Academic Press, Inc.}, language={eng}, abstract={Cultures of fragments of the proadenohypophysis of the pituitary of Fundulus heteroclitus, L., divested of capsular connective tissue membrane and grown in vitro are composed largely of prolactin cells which have previously been shown to contain prolactin (Emmart and Mossakowski, 1967). At the periphery of the culture the isolated cell assumes a characteristic blunt, crescentic form surrounded by an undulating membrane. The isolated cell revolves within a limited area moved by the clockwise, wavelike action of an undulating peripheral membrane. In the prolactin cell, not undergoing cell division, the nucleus has the characteristic bent or folded-over appearance commonly seen in histological preparations. It retains this shape when the cell spirals over, even though the nuclear membrane is undergoing minor wavelike fluctuations.Histiocytes or macrophages were observed in these cultures and a description of them has been given as they moved swiftly in channels between the undulating membranes of prolactin cells.}, type={Text}, title={The Behavior and Appearance in Tissue Culture of Rostral Pituitary Cells from Fundulus heteroclitus Linnaeus}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/79685/PDF/publ_51.pdf}, keywords={Fundulus heteroclitus}, }