@misc{Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik_Mieczysława_Predicting_1981-1982, author={Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik, Mieczysława and Głąbski, Edward}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1981-1982}, language={eng}, abstract={According to point and nonpoint sources for 1976 and 1990 Great Masurian Lakes are seriously endangered by nutrients. Out of twelve lakes examined seven has high external loading of nitrogen and phosphorus exceeding the unacceptable loading determined by VoIenweider (1971). Point sources are responsible for phosphorus loading of Great Masurian Lakes and nonpoint sources – for nitrogen loading. Protection of these ecosystems is absolutely necessary.}, title={Predicting the pollution of Great Masurian Lakes from point and nonpoint sources}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/78405/PDF/WA058_87110_P2840-T29_Eko-Pol-A-Nr-3.pdf}, volume={29}, number={3}, journal={Ekologia Polska}, publisher={Polish Scientific Publishers}, keywords={lakes, drainage area, pollution, predicting, point sources, nonpoint sources, phosphorus loading, nitrogen loading, unacceptable loading}, }