@misc{Zycha_Renata_A_2006, author={Zycha, Renata}, volume={44}, journal={Archaeologia Polona}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the author’s point of view concerning dominant research perspectives in contemporary archaeology. Generally, it concerns assumptions and objectives put forward by postmodernism, that is, first of all, a rejection of any possibility of comprehending the world directly, the world existing only in interpretations and our images of it, and secondly, a constructive, not objective understanding of reality, reflecting a general rejection of objectivity in favour of relativism. The problem of the postmodernistic approach appears to lie in the obliteration of scientific knowledge and different ways of knowing reality. The base of the approach presented here is a distinction between archaeology as a science and art. A moderate form of scientific fundamentalism has been accepted as a distinctive criterion, its assumptions giving an ordered, strictly hierarchical structure of knowledge. The way postmodernists look at the matter, fundamentalism understood in this way should distinguish science (archaeology) from “para-science”. The author has also taken the opportunity to present her own research strategy, the theoretical base as well as practical application}, title={A few remarks about different research perspectives in archaeology}, type={Tekst}, keywords={hipoteza-założenie, badanie twierdzenia, implikacja, wnioski, zdania warunkowe}, }