@misc{Guzowska-Nowowiejska_Magdalena_Identification_2008, author={Guzowska-Nowowiejska, Magdalena and Pląder, Wojciech and Żmieńko, Agnieszka and Figlerowicz, Marek}, volume={83}, number={4}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Biotechnologia, vol.83, 4 (2008)-.}, howpublished={online}, year={2008}, publisher={Committee on Biotechnology PAS}, publisher={Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS}, language={pol}, abstract={Genome tiling microarrays, covering whole genomic sequence, have gained increasing popularity in transcript mapping studies. Functional analysis of model eucaryotic and procaryotic genomes proved their sensitivity and versatility in discovering actively transcribed regions of the genomes. Many novel proteins coding genes, miRNA coding genes, antisense transcripts and other non-protein coding regulatory RNAs, transcribed from introns, intergenic and centromeric regions have been identified this way. Their expression can often be linked to specific developmental stages, organs or stress response in plants and animals, giving further insight into processes which were considered to be already well characterized.}, title={Identification of transcriptionally active regions with genome tiling microarrays}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/73253/PDF/POZN271_95937_biotechnologia-2008-no4-zmienko.pdf}, keywords={biotechnology}, }