@misc{Blinowski_A._On_1991, author={Blinowski, A.}, volume={43}, number={6}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Archives of Mechanics}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1991}, publisher={Polish Scientific Publishers IFTR}, language={eng}, abstract={Axisymmetric problem of plane wave propagation along the elastic rod of circular cross-section embedded in elastic space is considered. Approximation of plane uniformly deformed cross-section is employed for the rod. Shear stress continuity condition at the interface is replaced by the weaker integral condition of the axial momentum balance for the rod. Solutions for the elastic fields in the surrounding medium are constructed, Hankel functions of complex variable being used. The dynamic field obtained can be considered as the superposition of two elastic periodic waves emitted by the rod at strictly defined angles with respect to the rod axis. For certain sets of parameter values the characteristic equation has been numerically solved, the dispersive relations being obtained for the longitudinal wave in the rod. Relations describing the propagation angles and amplitude decay decrement changes versus the wave frequency have been also found.}, title={On the periodic wave propagation along the elastic fibre in the elastic matrix}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/70007/PDF/WA727_18042_43-6-1991_AMS_Blinowski02.pdf}, keywords={Mechanika stosowana - czasopisma [KABA]}, }