@misc{Marks_Emilia._Autor_Poprawa_2018, author={Marks, Emilia. Autor and Dolińska, Julia. Autor}, volume={49}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={Village refurbishment is a method of developing rural areas, which focuses on creating developmental strategies through grassroots initiatives and engagement of all interested parties on the local, regional and national levels. This process involves bringing about living conditions for entire local communities, creative development of spaces adjusted to the modern needs and fulfilling new functions. Social and economic changes, involving living areas and their surroundings, infrastructure, open-access spaces, services and meeting the living and spiritual needs are a measurable effect of these activities. Such initiatives have been popular and widespread in the European Union for over 20 years and the financial resources from the so-called Rural Development Program have served as direct support tools. The elaborated concepts and projects, based on using local resources and qualities, have been implemented within the scope of the Program for Renewal of Rural Areas as a regional system supporting the village administrative offices. The Opolskie Voivodship has become the Polish leader in such activities. Thanks to partnership cooperation with the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, local administrative authorities implemented the first projects on the renewal of rural areas in the mid-1990s. The successful ventures were inspirational for other local authorities and while Poland accessed the European Union and new potential for financial support arrived, different projects were launched all over the country. The Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship is actively involved in the Program for Renewal of Rural Areas, which has the slogan “The countryside in Warmia, Mazury and Powiśle – a place in which life is worth living…”. This paper presents the effects of the activities undertaken by different entities aimed at improving the image of the countryside and living conditions of Wejsuny residents.}, type={Text}, title={Poprawa wizerunku wsi poprzez współczesne zagospodarowanie przestrzeni publicznej na przykładzie miejscowości Wejsuny = Improvement of rural image through contemporary public space development on the example of Wejsuny village}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/67962/PDF/WA51_86424_r2018-t49_SOW-Marks.pdf}, keywords={rural renewal, rural natural and cultural potential, public space, Wejsuny}, }