@misc{Rokosz_Tomasz_Współczesne_2018, author={Rokosz, Tomasz}, volume={16}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The main aim of the article is to present and interpret chosen contemporary performances being realised in the urban area, which are related to the traditional ritual of Midsummer Night. The text is based on archive materials and accounts collected personally by the author, mostly in Poland, in the years 2009–2017. In the folk tradition, the period of the most intense activity of the sun was generally regarded as extraordinary time. The culmination of ritual activities took place on the night preceding the holiday of the nativity of St John the Baptist. This time was marked by many ritual practices resulting from the system of traditional beliefs and views on the world. The ritual of Midsummer Night as understood in this way has long since disappeared from popular practice in Poland. Midsummer Night rituals as reconstructed and created nowadays present themselves as events of various types: concerts, festivals, fairs (e.g. Saint Dominic’s Fair). Those events may be located and analysed in the broader perspective of cultural representations and performances}, title={Współczesne formy świętowania letniego przesilenia w przestrzeni miasta}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/67902/PDF/WA308_88507_P1505_Wspolczesne-formy_I.pdf}, keywords={Midsummer Night, spectacle, ritual, performance, festival, fair, reconstruction}, }