@misc{Bawa_Seema_Ratha_2018, author={Bawa, Seema}, volume={38}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 3.0 PL license}, journal={Ethnologia Polona}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper seeks to excavate the relationship between the tenth century Mukhaliṅga and the eighth century main icon of Śakti Devī, both kept in the sanctum sanctorum or the garbhagŗha of the Śakti Devī (locally called The Śiva-Śakti temple) in Chhatrari, Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh. The former is known as Bațuka Mahādeva and is taken out of the temple in a holy procession every year, on the last day of the Maṇimaheśa chaṛī or yātrā. My research is based not only on epigraphic and art historical studies but also on field work conducted in Chhatrari and adjacent sites}, title={Ratha Yātrā of Bațuka Mahādeva at Chhatrari: Some Art Historical and Religious Enquiries}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/66483/PDF/WA308_86591_P366_Ratha-Yatra-of-Batuk_I.pdf}, keywords={Chhatrari, Bațuka Mahādeva, ratha yātrās, mohrās, linga, mukhaliṅga, Maṇimaheśa, Śakti Devī Temple, procession, ritual, performance, pilgrimage, Purāṇas}, }