@misc{Welch_D._Habitat_1990, author={Welch, D. and Staines, B. W. and Catt, D. C. and Scott, D.}, volume={221}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Journal of Zoology, Lond.}, address={London}, howpublished={online}, year={1990}, publisher={Wiley-Blackwell}, language={eng}, type={Text}, title={Habitat usage by red (Cervus elaphus) and roe (Capreolus capreolus) deer in a Scottish Sitka spruce plantation}, keywords={Capreolus, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus, Cervus elaphus, Deer, Elaphus, Habitat, Plantation, Red deer, Roe deer, Scotland}, }