@misc{Krzysztofik_Robert._Autor_Procesy_2018, author={Krzysztofik, Robert. Autor and Szmytkie, Robert. Autor}, volume={90}, number={2}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to analyze the population changes in industrial cities on the background of population changes in cities of a different functional type. It was assumed that in the period of dynamic development of the highly specialized industrial function of the city, its population is growing rapidly above average. During the recession of industrial function in this group of cities, their population is also decreasing rapidly above average. In both cases, nonlinear development is fundamental to the phenomenon of so-called bifurcation. Transformation of Polish cities after 1989 has caused quite significant changes in their demographic development. Significantly, these changes were conditioned by the transformation of the economy, including the phenomenon of deindustrialization. Nevertheless, demographic factors were also important. These directly and indirectly affected by economic determinants. Hence, after 1990, urban centers experienced a peculiar ‘game of the inhabitants’, whose essence was the widespread negative population growth and the positive balance of migration to a few dozen cities. In this particular place, there were strong industrial centers before 1989. The analysis of population changes in Polish cities of different size categories showed that industrial cities are now much more dynamic depopulating than other types of functional cities. As a result of the loss of the "pull" attribute, and in many times the situation of gaining the attributes of "push" or "disappearing" interest of potential migrants, their demographic profile had to be reduced. This trend was further strengthened by the consequences of the second demographic transition.}, title={Procesy depopulacji w Polsce w świetle zmian bazy ekonomicznej miast = Depopulation in Poland in the light of changes in city functions}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/66307/PDF/WA51_85837_r2018-t90-z2_Przeg-Geogr-Krzysztof.pdf}, keywords={depopulation processes, shrinkage of cities, city functions, industrial centres, Poland}, }