@misc{Dutrillaux_B._The_1988, author={Dutrillaux, B. and Dutrillaux, A. M. and Lombard, M. and Gautier, J. P. and Cooper, R. and Moysan, F. and Lernould, J. M.}, volume={215}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Journal of Zoology, Lond.}, address={London}, howpublished={online}, year={1988}, publisher={Wiley-Blackwell}, language={eng}, type={Text}, title={The karyotype of Cercopithecus solatus Harrison 1988, a new species belonging to C. lhoest i, and its phylogenetic relationships with other guenons}, keywords={Cercopithecus, Cercopithecus lhoesti, Cercopithecus solatus, Gabon, Karyotype, New species, Other, Phylogenetic, Phylogenetic relationship, Phylogenetic relationships, Relationship, Species}, }