@misc{Kłosińska_Elżbieta_Małgorzata_Long-distance_2017, author={Kłosińska, Elżbieta Małgorzata and Sadowski, Sylwester}, volume={69}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Kraków}, journal={Sprawozdania Archeologiczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={eng}, abstract={Considering the background of the Lublin Region (Poland), the valley of the Sieniocha river can be described as an area replete with bronze objects dated to the period of the Lusatian culture. Most of them are imports, as their manufacturing was usually beyond the local metallurgists’ skills, chiefl y due to the lack of raw materials. The fi nds originate from distant territories and represent various infl uences (Thraco-Cimmerian, Scythian, of the Hallstatt culture, Scandinavian or from the area of the Volga-Kama rivers). Their presence indicates that the valley used to be a territory, where different cultural connections functioned. The location of the land was conducive to movement of people and cultural interactions.}, type={Text}, title={Long-distance connections of the south-eastern peripheries of the Lublin region at the time of the Lusatian culture in the light of archival and newly discovered materials}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/63485/PDF/WA308_83123_PIII368_Long-distance-connec_I.pdf}, keywords={Sieniocha river, Lusatian culture, Bronze Age, early Iron Age, bronze artefacts}, }