@misc{Wójcik_Marcin_Wiedza_2017, author={Wójcik, Marcin}, volume={46}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this article is to identify and describe ways of acquiring and transferring knowledge in the agricultural environment, as well as socio-cultural determinants of this process. Based on the research conducted, the author distinguishes and defines two levels of knowledge transmission among farmers. Particularly important in these considerations is the farmer's attribution to his “place”, defined as a specific ingrown to the ground and the consequent knowledge that arises from human co-operation with that “place” which is the act of long-term socialization and the experience of the environment. Knowledge transfer is present in everyday activities, observations of others' work, exchange of ideas and experiences with other members of a given local community. Knowledge transfer also occurs as a result of the relationship between a “place” of farmer's life and work, which is manifested as a home and farm, and their surroundings. These relationships are equally functional and social in character, and they result in the development of qualitatively diverse living environment dependent on individual biographies.}, title={Wiedza jako zasób lokalny w środowisku społecznym wsi. Przypadek rodzin rolniczych = Knowledge as a local resource in the rural social environment. A case of agricultural families}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/63467/PDF/WA51_83195_r2017-t46_SOW-Wojcik.pdf}, keywords={farmers, local resources, knowledge, place}, }