@misc{Antolak_Mariusz_Krajobraz_2017, author={Antolak, Mariusz and Pawelec, Patrycja}, volume={45}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={This article presents results of an analysis and a survey of selected landscape elements carried out under the village restoration programme. The spatial scope of the study includes the suburban village of Ługwałd located within the community of Dywity (Warmia and Mazury Province). As a part of the research, a detailed survey of the village was conducted, as well as an analysis concerning the extension of the locality, an analysis and a survey of the buildings and a social survey in the local community. The article presents the issue of contemporary transformations of suburban areas in Poland along with spatial arrangement and aesthetisation of the rural landscape with regard to the village restoration programme. This programme provides an excellent tool to improve landscape values of the locality, but most often, it only results in arrangement of public spaces and not in their restoration, aesthetisation or assigning individual features with reference to the traditions of the region. In order to use the opportunity provided by the programme, an insight analysis of cultural and natural conditions of transformed areas should first be performed. A hilly area, numerous trees, arable fields, extensive meadows and lakes form the landscape of high natural values, which is the key resource of Ługwałd. Decreasing agricultural activities, as well as a strong population inflow have resulted in strong anthropogenic changes and the introduction of buildings which had no references to the architecture of the region, with observable blurring of individual features of the area and introduction of disharmony downgrading individual interiors and panorama of the village. Measures should be taken with the aim of improving spatial order and harmony between the existing and newly-designed buildings, and attempts should be made to activate the local community, bearing in mind the fact that village restoration should also include the human factor. The analyses conducted provided a basis to prepare a design concept for aesthetisation of the village.}, title={Krajobraz wsi Ługwałd i jego współczesne transformacje = Landscape of the Ługwałd village and its contemporary transformations}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/63454/PDF/WA51_83183_r2017-t45_SOW-Antolak2.pdf}, keywords={rural renewal, landscape valuation, ruralism, estheticism, Warmia}, }