@misc{Sołtys_Jacek_Zasoby_2016, author={Sołtys, Jacek}, volume={44}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article was to identify the role of specific and rare (including unique) resources in the development strategies of rural communes (in Polish: gmina). Peripheral communes (that is, located outside the sub-regions of big cities) were examined. Communes were selected from the ones with: the highest own revenue of communal budget per capita averaged for the years 2010-14; the highest indicator of natural persons conducting economic activity per 1,000 people at working age and the occurrence of rare resources (spas, sightseeing attractions). Communes adjacent to towns were excluded from analysis. Lists of development factors for SWOT analysis and other elements of strategic plans provided sources of information. Research methodology involved analysis and classification of studied development factors and further analysis of other parts within documents. The research results indicate that mineral resources (lignite) and tourist values, especially those associated with the sea and beaches have contributed to development of rural communes to the highest extent. Strategic documents of communes vary in quality. In many cases the strategies fail to adequately expose the specificity of resources. Methodological errors in the SWOT analysis are common. Positive missions emphasizing the specificity of communes are rare.}, title={Zasoby rzadkie w planach strategicznych peryferyjnych gmin wiejskich = Rare resources in the strategic plans of peripheral rural communes}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/62009/PDF/WA51_81599_r2016-t44_SOW-Soltys.pdf}, keywords={strategic SWOT analysis, peripheral rural communes, strategies of development, rare resources, specific resouces}, }