@misc{Dworaczek_Kamil_(1985–_)_Podziemne_2016, author={Dworaczek, Kamil (1985– )}, editor={Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, copyright={Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Bez utworów zależnych 4.0}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, language={pol}, abstract={The article analyses underground publishing in Wrocław from 1979 to 1989 upon the basis of examples of the most prominent publishers (Kooperatywa Wydawnicza “Wyzwolenie”, Agencja Informacyjna Solidarności Walczącej/Agencja Wydawnicza Solidarności, Inicjatywa Wydawnicza Aspekt, Wydawnictwo Profil); in this way the author recreated the character of “second circulation” publishing and the way in which it functioned in that particular town. In doing so, K. Dworaczek discussed the shape of particular structures, their publishing accomplishments, the use of printing techniques, and people involved in the opposition. He also attempted to resolve the question about the extent to which the image of underground printing in Wrocław was characteristic for a similar sized town and to which its features included a distinctive specificity. The analysis is divided into two fundamental parts: the first encompasses a period to 1980, i.e. the activity of the so-called pre-August opposition (prior to the establishment of the “Solidarity” trade union), while the second is about the years 1982–1989, i.e. the period of the underground ”Solidarity”.}, title={Podziemne drukarstwo we Wrocławiu na przykładzie największych inicjatyw wydawniczych}, type={Tekst}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/61694/PDF/WA303_81067_A507-DN-R-48-4_Dworaczek.pdf}, volume={48}, number={4}, journal={Dzieje Najnowsze : [kwartalnik poświęcony historii XX wieku]}, publisher={Wydawnictwo DiG}, keywords={Opór wobec władzy -- Polska -- Wrocław -- 1970-2000 [KABA], Drukarstwo -- Polska -- Wrocław -- 1970-2000 [KABA], Prasa podziemna -- Polska -- Wrocław -- 1970-2000 [KABA], drugi obieg wydawniczy}, }