@misc{Godyń_Maria_“Little_2006, author={Godyń, Maria}, volume={27}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Ethnologia Polona}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The text summarizes the ongoing fieldwork in the village of Maniowy on the subject of the displaced community's attitude toward its lost territory and the process of its cultural and territorial identity development. These problems are analyzed through the prism of memories and reflections about the abandoned village. The article presents the history of the village's flooding due to a dam construction and the stages of the development of the new village, New Maniowy. The author also includes the community's efforts to organize and tame the new space by introducing in it old and well-known elements that helped to set the proper order, which confirmed the inhabitants' identity and gave them a feeling of belonging to the new place. Subsequently, the evaluation of the land is shown to reflect the attitude of the inhabitants of Maniowy to the process of displacement. In the new situation, the land became a carrier of the fatherland and tradition}, title={“Little Fatherlands” - Research data on the identity and memory of the displaced community of Maniowy}, type={Text}, keywords={identity development, fatherland, tradition, Maniowy village}, }