@misc{Derlicki_Jarosław_Nowe_2015, author={Derlicki, Jarosław}, volume={59}, number={1-2}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Etnografia Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2015 (2016)}, publisher={Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={This article focuses on the people of Polish descent in the former USSR countries. It presents the basic terms such as Polonia, ethnic Poles, Polish minority, people of Polish descent and others. Most of them are loaded with martyrologic, political and ideological meanings or don’t reflect reality. People of Polish descent are the widest category including Poles, Polonia, Polish minority, but also representatives of other nationalities, who are aware of their Polish roots.}, abstract={Due to the internal differentiation of Polish minority it’s impossible to study it as a homogeneous entity representing the same and common type of Polishness. It should rather be studied as a set of local communities, homogeneous on the local level. Such approach shows their variety and different levels of Polishness in general.}, abstract={The last part of article presents difficulties in defining the Polishness in the East (former USSR). They include both, distinguishing Poles from the people of Polish descent and artificial wakening of Polishness.}, title={Nowe podejścia do starych tematów? Ludność polskiego pochodzenia w krajach byłego ZSRR}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/61311/PDF/WA308_80479_P327_Nowe-podejscia-do-st_I.pdf}, keywords={Poles, minority, local community, identity, former USSR}, }