@misc{Hołda_Renata_Modrzejówka_2015, author={Hołda, Renata}, volume={13}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={Modrzejówka – an estate built at the turn of the 19th century in Krowodrza, today one of Cracow’s districts – is a relic of the early industrialism in Cracow. The instigator of the construction project was Henryk Jordan; the complex of buildings was originally intended for Catholic workers. The project was philanthropic, but the makeup of the founding committee and the statute indicate that the motive of lucre was at play as well. Another, tacit target was to clear the attractive area of the city of the disadvantaged population and thus, as it was then thought, to rid it of delinquency. Since the time the estate was built, Cracow has expanded and the way of perceiving and appraising city space has changed as well. Yet Modrzejówka still exists and is thickly populated. After a lot of perturbations, it is now owned by the Archbrotherhood of Mercy, a Catholic charity. The old, working-class character of the estate is currently not noticeable. The estate, formerly located in the suburbs, now lies near one of Cracow’s main thoroughfares, in an area perceived as being in close proximity to the historical centre and considered prestigious and expensive}, title={Modrzejówka – osiedle robotnicze w centrum Krakowa}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/60565/PDF/WA308_78945_P714_Modrzejowka-osiedle_I.pdf}, keywords={Modrzejówka, Cracow worker’s housing estate, urban anthropology}, }