@misc{Degórska_Bożena_The_2015, author={Degórska, Bożena and Degórski, Marek}, volume={29}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Europa XXI}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={This article draws attention to key aspects of the dynamic relationship between urbanisation and climatic conditioning, with particular account taken of the ventilating and cooling of cities and the influence of ecological continuity and connectivity between urban and open areas. Such phenomena are discussed in the context of the quality of life enjoyed by inhabitants of urbanised areas. The role of green infrastructure in shaping urban space from the point of view of the easing or amelioration of negative thermal phenomena is discussed, as is the influence of climatic conditions on the functioning of cities’ water systems. Reference is also made to demographic change in cities, given the major influence this has on inhabitants’ vulnerability to the negative impacts of developing heat islands, most especially in periods of severe and/or prolonged heatwaves.}, type={Text}, title={The process of the spatial development of large cities in Poland and its adaptation to climate change: opportunities and threats}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/58783/PDF/WA51_78634_r2015-t29_Europa-XXI-Degorska.pdf}, keywords={climate change, adaptation, urban areas, Poland}, }