@misc{Hołyńska_Maria_Revision_2000, author={Hołyńska, Maria}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, language={eng}, abstract={Using new material and museum collections, a taxonomic and zoogeographical overview of the Australasian Mesocyclopsis provided. The detailed morphological descriptions are supplemented with critical reassessment of the published records, a key to the Australasian and Oriental representatives of the genus (30 spp.) and distribution maps of the Australasian species and their extralimital relatives. The paper reports on the occurrence of sixteen species, 11 of them endemic, in Australasia: M. dayakorumsp. nov., M. darwini Dussart et Fernando 1988, M. pseudoannae Van de Velde, 1987, M. cf. yenae, M. yesoensisIshida 1999, M. papuensis Van deVelde, 1987, M. aspericornis (Daday, 1906), M. ogunnus Onabamiro, 1957, M. affinis Van de Velde,1987, M. tobae Kiefer, 1933, M. francisci sp. nov., M. woutersi Van de Velde, 1987, M. friendorum sp. nov., M. microlasius Kiefer, 1981, M. geminus sp. nov., M. thermocyclopoides Harada, 1931. New synonymy: M. papuensis (M. borneoensis Dussart et Fernando, 1988). Closely relatedspecies pairs/groups seem to indicate some repeating pattern of relationships: 1. Palaeotropical; 2. Oriental; 3. Australasia/Africa disjunction; 4. Speciation within Australasia.}, type={Text}, title={Revision on the Australasian species of the genus Mesocyclops Sars, 1914 (Copepoda: Cyclopidae)}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/56449/PDF/WA058_74040_P255-T50_Annal-Zool-nr-3-6.pdf}, volume={50}, number={3}, journal={Annales Zoologici}, publisher={Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN}, keywords={Mesocyclops, Cyclopidae, Australasia, taxonomy, zoogeography}, }