@misc{Kurek_Sławomir_The_2009, author={Kurek, Sławomir and Rachwał, Tomasz}, volume={19}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Europa XXI}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper aims at analysing the role of entrepreneurship in the educational strategy of European Union as well as the position of business education in the systems of national education in selected European states in relation to the level of entrepreneurial development in these countries, measured by the indexes of the number of firms per person according to various size classes. An attempt will be made to determine to what degree the guidelines and objectives of business education in particular countries create favourable conditions for growing new firms, especially in the SME sector.}, title={The role of business education in the development of entrepreneurship in the Member States of the European Union}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/55824/PDF/WA51_75525_r2009-t19_EuropaXXI-Kurek.pdf}, keywords={enterpreneurship, business education, educational strategy, enterpreneurial development, SMEs, European Union}, }