@misc{Jarczewski_Wojciech_Regeneration_2010, author={Jarczewski, Wojciech and Kuryło, Michał}, volume={21}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Europa XXI}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The Polish public space was enriched after 1990 by ca 77,600 ha of post-military land of which 11,861 ha are located in towns and cities. Compact redevelopment areas (former military garrisons, with barracks, hospitals, warehouses, fuel stations etc.) are located in 107 towns. In total, such areas occupy 10,000 ha. In addition, 5 former proving grounds were released and they are not currently used by the Army. The total area of that land is 49,933 ha. Also, 48 former airfields were given up, with the total surface area of 17,000 ha. Such a large surface area has been exceptionally important in the context of land resources (Jarczewski 2009).}, title={Regeneration of post-military areas in Poland}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/55790/PDF/WA51_75945_r2010-t21_EuropaXXI-Jarczewsk1.pdf}, keywords={regeneration, post-military areas, Military Property Agency, new users}, }