@misc{Choiński_Adam_Obiekty_2009, author={Choiński, Adam and Ptak, Mariusz}, volume={81}, number={3}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={An analysis of hydrographic maps at the scale 1:50 000 offered a basis for the inventorying of crenological features in the basin of the Odra (Oder). A total of 393 map sheets were produced to cover the whole area, with 159 of these including the studied features. The data obtained originate from fieldwork or mapping carried out in the years 1998–2005. In total, some 2611 objects were recorded, most of these being perennial springs (1309), followed by seaps (568), marshes (336), perennial springs fitted with intakes (129), groups of springs (111), ephemeral springs (87), mineral springs (66) and observed springs (5). On the basis of the outputs of individual objects the total discharge has been estimated at 1.645 cubic meters per second, or one comparable with the mean annual discharge of such rivers as the Lutynia, Mogilnica and Ołobok. Moreover, two maps have been compiled: to present the number of crenological features on respective sheets, and to illustrate the summed output on these sheets. From the poin of view of the number of features a clear difference between mountain areas and lowlands can be discerned, though this is smaller when output is taken account of. The most prolific springs reach outputs of c. 50 l per second, while only around a dozen exceed 20. The sum for the 10 most major springs accounts for as much as 23% of the total output calculated for all the studied crenological features. It should be noted that as many as 76% of all features are of very low output, i.e. less than 0.5 liters per second. The inventory of springs generated would seem to be of value, since it makes it possible to record future changes in the number and output of crenological objects over a large area.}, type={Text}, title={Obiekty krenologiczne dorzecza Odry = Crenological features in the Odra Basin}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/55590/PDF/WA51_75410_r2009-t81-z3_Przeg-Geogr-Choinski.pdf}, keywords={crenological features, Odra basin, number and output}, }