@misc{Sobkowiak-Tabaka_Iwona_Przejawy_2014, author={Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Iwona and Bobrowski, Przemysław and Kurgan-Przybylska, Małgorzata and Anioła, Marek}, editor={Zych, Iwona. Tł.}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, language={pol}, abstract={The authors discuss one of the most numerous sets of anthropomorphic figural art objects from the territory of modern Poland, discovered at site 150 in Racibórz-Studzienna. Six figurines are described in detail and their context and chronology analyzed. The function and importance of female anthropomorphic figurines from Racibórz-Studzienna is considered in comparison with analogous finds from Neolithic sites in central and southeastern Europe, Anatolia and northern Africa}, title={Przejawy życia duchowego w neolicie. Antropomorficzna plastyka figuralna z Raciborza-Studziennej}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/54913/PDF/WA308_75151_P320_Przejawy-zycia-ducho_I.pdf}, volume={59}, number={1-2}, journal={Archeologia Polski}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, keywords={Poland, Upper Silesia, Neolithic, Anatolian-Balkan sphere, anthropomorphic figural arts}, }