@misc{Godula-Węcławowicz_Róża_„Plus_2014, author={Godula-Węcławowicz, Róża}, volume={12}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Kraków}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The tragedy of World War II, both in the personal and in the broader national and cultural aspects, was the impulse that prompted Karol Estreicher to place the Latin mottoes Plus ratio quam vis and Ne cedat Academia in the Collegium Maius of the Jagiellonian University as the building was being restored after the war. At the same time, this war context provided a contrast that very strongly emphasised the essential meaning of these mottoes: the importance of the University’s autonomy and the independence of science, reason and thought. Applicable in long-term perspective, connotations of these mottoes are just as pertinent today. Both mottoes were invented by Karol Estreicher; they had never been found in the Collegium Maius before. He also proposed the conception for the remodelling of the building and for the functions and décor of many rooms, and arranged the university customs. In this, he applied the maxim which had been successfully used in arranging the interiors of the Wawel Castle: „Since we do not know how things really were, let us do them the way they might have been”. His ideas for the reconstruction of the Collegium Maius and the Jagiellonian University Museum, as well as the Latin mottoes he had invented for the University, should be interpreted in the context of tradition understood subjectively, defined by the past as a value and by the conviction that tradition is worthy of being continued in the present time. Estreicher did not have an autotelic approach to the past; he selected only certain elements from it and adapted them, convinced that what he was creating was the continuity of the medieval idea of the university. Thus, he „invented” the Jagiellonian University’s tradition and encoded it in the architecture of the building, in the arrangement of its interiors and in the ritualisation of customs. He recostructed this tradition from the shards of the past and arranged it so successfully that since then the subsequent generations of professors, students and residents of Cracow have identified with it. Contrary to the established understanding of the term „invented tradition”, however, the University’s reconstructed tradition is not unchangeable. It undergoes formal modifications and transmits universal values to the present time, where they interpreted in the context of contemporary experience}, type={Text}, title={„Plus ratio quam vis” i „Ne cedat Academia”. Uniwersyteckie dewizy z wojną w tle}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/54872/PDF/WA308_75286_P714_Plus-ratio-quam-vis_I.pdf}, keywords={World War II, memory, invented tradition, reconstructed tradition, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Maius, Karol Estreicher, Cracow}, }