@misc{Girke_Georg_(1887–1920)_Die_1922, author={Girke, Georg (1887–1920)}, copyright={Public Domain}, journal={Mannus-Bibliothek}, address={Leipzig}, howpublished={online}, year={1922}, publisher={Verl. von C. Kabitzsch}, language={ger}, title={Die Tracht der Germanen in der vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Zeit mit einem Anhange : vom heutigen landläufigen Germanenbildnisse. Bd. 1-2}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/4890/PDF/WA308_2943_II21556-T1-2_TRACHT-DER-GERMANEN_I.pdf}, keywords={prehistory-early Middle Ages -- Europe, prehistoric-early medieval cultures, Germans (people), Germans -- origin, ethnogenesis of the Germans, German settlement -- Europe, history of the Germans, art of the Germanic peoples, religion of the Germans, German mythology, German symbols, material culture of the Germans}, }