@misc{_Antonii_1917, editor={Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskie}, copyright={Public Domain}, address={Poznań}, journal={Materiały (Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Poznaniu. Wydział Teologiczny). Wydawnictw Seria I}, howpublished={online}, year={1917}, publisher={TPNP. Wydz. Teologiczny}, language={lat}, title={Antonii Onuphrii de Okęcie Okęcki, episcopi posnaniensis et varsaviensis, supremi regni cancelarii ecclesiae cathedralis posnaniensis visitatio die 15. juno anno 1781 coepta, iam vero die 18. septembris 1784 finita}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/4867/PDF/WA308_12116_II15602_ANTONI-ONUPHRII_I.pdf}, keywords={Okęcki, Antoni Onufry (1729-1793 ; bishop of Chełm, bishop of Poznań, Grand Chancellor of the Crown), 18th c.-- Poland, history of the Catholic Church, Church visitations in the modern period, visitation book of the Poznań deanery (1781-1784) -- source edition, archival sources for the history of Catholic Church, Poznań, wielkopolskie voivodeship (Poland)}, }