@misc{Banaszkiewicz_Jacek_(1947–_)_Widukind_2005, author={Banaszkiewicz, Jacek (1947– )}, volume={91}, editor={Bubczyk, Robert. Transl.}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Acta Poloniae Historica}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper}, language={eng}, title={Widukind on the Saxon Origins: Saxo, Thuring, and Landkaufszene (Res gestae Saxonicae, I, 5). The Imitation of Ancient Patterns, an Old Tribal Saga or the Product of Scholarly Erudition by Saxon Intellectuals of the 9th-10th Centuries?}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/25410/PDF/WA303_42501_2005-91_APH_02_o.pdf}, keywords={myths, legends, Saxony (Germany) 9th c., 10th c., Widukindus, Corbeiensis (ca 925-ca 973)}, }