@misc{Sroka_Wojciech_Urban_2021, author={Sroka, Wojciech and Król, Karol and Matysik-Pejas, Renata}, number={3 (192)}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Wieś i Rolnictwo}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pl}, abstract={The issue of agriculture in urban areas is becoming increasingly popular in highly developed countries. The main premise of its development is the rediscovery of the benefits it can provide to cities. The aim of the article is to present the concept of urban agriculture, as well as to recognise public interest in this issue. Moreover, the importance of agriculture in planning documents and development strategies of selected Polish cities were assessed. A secondary goal of the article is to promote both knowledge and research on urban agriculture. The study used bibliometric and webometric methods as well as the desk research method. The research showed that the concept of urban agriculture is gaining increasing interest among scientists globally. The number of scientific articles shows an upward trend. Similar trends are also observed in Poland, as evidenced by the growing number of scientific publications in mother tongue that are devoted to this subject. Nevertheless, this research is at an early stage of development and is often fragmented (it concerns only selected threads). Polish scientists also relatively rarely publish their own research (on the topic of urban agriculture) in reputable worldwide scientific journals. The research also showed that “ordinary” Polish Internet users (using Polish) very rarely look for information on urban agriculture. Polish society’s relatively low interest in the issues analysed is also reflected in the content of Polish cities’ planning documents. Agriculture is marginalized both in the studies of the conditions and directions of spatial development, as well as in urban development strategies. Although agricultural land in the cities analysed (except for Warsaw and Krakow) is covered by various forms of protection, this is not reflected in operational activities. Only one of the cities analysed – Wrocław – has an important place for agriculture in its development strategy, envisioning a garden city, where agricultural land and green areas constitute an important element of space.}, title={Urban Agriculture in Polish and International Scholarly Literature and in Planning Documents of Selected Polish Cities}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/243703/wir_2021_3_192_071_098.pdf}, keywords={urban agriculture, bibliometric, webometric, public interest}, }