@misc{Czarnecki_Adam_Second-Home_2018, author={Czarnecki, Adam}, number={2 (179)}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Wieś i Rolnictwo}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pl}, abstract={A highly differentiated business structure strengthens and rejuvenates local economy. Thus, it protects the local economy against external shocks and helps get through transition periods. At the same time, lower degree of specialization and greater economic diversification is reflected in improved well-being of the society. For the goals of sustainable development, it is therefore more desirable to diversify the economy at local scale. However, the attempt should be made to build-up on local resources and specificities, and possibly less on the interest of external investors. The second-home phenomenon, gaining a lot of popularity, has been gradually spreading in rural areas. Yet, it also occurs in zones which, in general opinion, are not attractive in terms of dwelling or tourism functions. Along with second homes there comes a need on the part of their owners and users to meet their demands for various goods and services provided locally. Thus, a question arises whether the scale and variety of needs is sufficient enough to be considered as a potential for diversification of the local economic structure (rural multifunctionality). Hence, the main research objective was to examine second-home owners’ consumption patterns in rural areas and to assess them in the context of implementing multifunctional development. The assessment was carried out based on the size and degree of diversification of the demand for local goods and services and the dynamics in this regard as well as based on the consumer typology (local consumption).}, title={Second-Home Owners’ Consumption Patterns and Their Significance for Rural Multifunctionality}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/243559/wir_2018_2_179_209_229.pdf}, keywords={second homes, consumption patterns, local economy, rural multifunctionality, Finland, Poland}, }