@misc{Luzar-Błaż_Katarzyna_Public_2017, author={Luzar-Błaż, Katarzyna and Grodzińska-Jurczak, Małgorzata and Cent, Joanna}, number={2 (175)}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Wieś i Rolnictwo}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pl}, abstract={A participatory model of protected area management, which is based on the cooperation of groups of various stakeholders and local communities, has so far been the most effective method of natural resources management. In Poland, it is relatively new and although well supported by legislation, it has not been widely applied in practice yet. The aim of the article was to determine needs, preferences and conflicts, as well as participatory potential of various groups of stakeholders of Natura 2000 site – Dolinki Jurajskie PLH120005 (Jurassic Valleys) in developing a plan of protection tasks, and in managing this territory. The article provides for an analysis of a cooperation network between governing institutions, different perspectives of the stakeholders and their cooperation by applying qualitative methodology, namely SWOT analysis, SWOT connection analysis and in-depth interviews conducted in Dolinki Jurajskie (Jurassic Valleys) between May and July 2015. The results of this study include recommendations for institutions dealing with nature conservation in the area under investigation, as well as on other Natura 2000 sites in Poland.}, title={Public Participation in Protected Area Management – A Case of Natura 2000 Site – Dolinki Jurajskie (Jurassic Valleys)}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/243509/wir_2017_2_175_049_067.pdf}, keywords={public participation, Natura 2000, plan of protection tasks, managing environmental protection, social aspects of nature conservation}, }