@misc{Bis_Wojciech_Zamki_2024, author={Bis, Wojciech and Ryčkov, Andrej and Volkau, Mikola}, volume={72}, number={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to characterise the castles belonging to the Lithuanian Gastold family in the first half of the sixteenth century. It has been established that there were at least ten of them. Information about their architecture, construction techniques, location was obtained from written sources, historical publications, and the results of archaeological research. Their economic facilities and arsenals were also described. An attempt was also made to indicate similarities and differences between these facilities. The data formed the basis for drawing conclusions about the military and economic potential of their owners. Presented information about the Gastold castles provides important material for studying the development of private fortified seats in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.}, type={Text}, title={Zamki litewskiego rodu Gasztołdów w pierwszej połowie XVI wieku}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/243002/279735.pdf}, keywords={Olbracht Gasztold, castles, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, architecture, outbuildings, arsenals}, }