@misc{Dworaczyk_Marek_Próba_2024, author={Dworaczyk, Marek}, volume={72}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Wrocław}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, publisher={Ośrodek Badań nad Kulturą Późnego Antyku i Wczesnego Średniowiecza}, language={pol}, abstract={The article contains the results of recent research on early medieval Wolin ceramics, based on the study of sources from excavations 6/1660, 6/109 and 8, located in the Old Town, where the origins of this settlement complex are found. Based on their results, an attempt was made to reconstruct how the vessels were made and the chronology of their use was determined. The chronological assessment used a qualitative-quantitative analysis method, which is based on the assumption of temporal coincidence of sets of vessels with similar or similar sets of components constituting them. The description of the collections carried out in this way made it possible to distinguish several phases of the development the ceramics of early medieval Wolin, which correspond to the latest proposal for the periodization of this category of sources in Western Pomerania. This dating was supported by the results of radiocarbon and dendrological research.}, type={Text}, title={Próba rekonstrukcji wyrobu wczesnośredniowiecznych naczyń glinianych z Wolina i chronologia ich użytkowania}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/242635/279470.pdf}, keywords={Early Middle Ages, Wolin, pottery, Techniques, chronology}, }