@misc{Ciesielski_Mariusz._Autor_Analiza_2024, author={Ciesielski, Mariusz. Autor and Kębłowska, Anna. Autor and Jastrzębowski, Szymon. Autor and Marek, Jacek. Autor and Choromański, Kamil. Autor and Związek, Tomasz. Autor}, volume={96}, number={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The Kampinoski National Park does not constantly monitor recreational use in its area. Therefore, the number of visitors as well as the patterns of their spatial behavior, including those who violate the park's internal rules, are unknown. The aim of the work was therefore to analyze the activity of users of the STRAVA portal in the years 2019-2023 and to determine the volume of traffic outside the linear objects designated for this purpose by the Director of the National Park. All linear objects located in the OpenStreetMap database in Kampinoski National Park (available and not open to tourist traffic) were analyzed. The quantification of the linear objects in terms of intensity of use showed that, regardless of the type of activity (walking, running, cycling), the most intensively used linear objects in the park are located in the eastern part. This is the part of the park bordering the capital. Warsaw. The highest level of activity (10th decile, i.e. the number of activities in the range 15061-88305) was observed on 839 liniear objects, of which 4.9% of them not open to traffic. The spatial patterns are different for cyclists, walkers and runners. An activity intensity map, developed from actual data on the use of each facility, can be an important element in supporting decisions made in relation to the provision of the park for public use. The work is the first approach of its kind to quantify the intensity of tourism in a national park based on objective numerical data.}, type={Text}, title={Analiza przestrzenna aktywności wybranych grup użytkowników Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego w latach 2019‑2023 na podstawie danych STRAVA = Spatial analysis of the activity of selected groups of users of the activity of selected groups of users of the Kampinos National Park in 2019‑2023 based on STRAVA data}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/242422/WA51_279221_r2024-t96-nr3_Przeg-Geogr-Ciesiels.pdf}, keywords={Geography}, }