@misc{Cholewa-Adamczyk_Anna_Działalność_2024, author={Cholewa-Adamczyk, Anna}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Historii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={Przegląd Kościelny [The Polish Ecclesiastical Review] (1914–1925), issued in the years of World War I in St. Francis, Wisconsin, and in Chicago, is a valuable source of information about the patriotic activities of the Polish diaspora clergy in the United States at that time. In 1912, the Polish priests in the USA gathered under the leadership of the first Polish American bishop, Paul Rhode, and created Association of the Polish Clergy of America. In 1914, they collaborated with founded in Chicago Polish Central Relief Committee, and played a prominent role in collecting money for the victims of war in the Polish lands. They also cooperated with the management of the Polish National Department created in 1916. They participated in the independence campaigns, among others in convening and organizing the First Sejm of the Polish Exile in Detroit (1918). The forming Polish Army in the USA was joined by priests, who served as chaplains (1917–1918), led by the bishop Rhode’s close associate, priest Władysław Zapała.}, title={Działalność patriotyczna kapłanów polskich w Stanach Zjednoczonych w latach 1914–1918 prezentowana na łamach polonijnego „Przeglądu Kościelnego”}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/242326/WA303_279143_II16420_Cholewa-Adamczyk.pdf}, keywords={emigration, Polish diaspora, Polish periodicals - foreign countries - history, Polish diaspora magazines in the USA, Poland - emigration and immigration - history - 19th century, Poland - emigration and immigration - history - 20th century, Polish people - foreign countries - history, Association of the Polish Clergy of America, Polish people - foreign countries - intellectual life - history}, }