@misc{Wadyl_Sławomir_Spatial_2022, author={Wadyl, Sławomir}, volume={35}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Łódź}, journal={Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences. Łódź Branch}, language={eng}, abstract={The stronghold at Pasym is located on an extensive peninsula surrounded by the waters of Lake Kalwa in the southern part of the Olsztyn Lakeland. During the recent investigations in the stronghold, archaeologists discovered relics of residential buildings and evidence of a complex system of stronghold fortifications, which is the main issue discussed in this article. The stronghold’s defences covered a 36-metre-long stretch and included rampart, a cobbled platform and four dry ditches encircling the entire hill. Such fortifications have no close parallels in the areas inhabited by the West Balts during that era of the Middle Ages. The plateau of the stronghold measures 46×35 m. Archaeologists discovered remains of dwellings on the eastern edge of the plateau, while there was no evidence of such structures in the central part of the stronghold, only more or less regular sets of post holes and small refuse pits. In the north-eastern part of the plateau, in the vicinity of the cobbled platform, a small building containing a grain store was discovered. The beginnings of the Pasym stronghold can be traced to the late 7th century and all available evidence indicates that it is the only site of this type in the Masurian Lakeland with such an early provenance. It is worth noting that the origins of the stronghold can be synchronised with the appearance of the first early Slavic strongholds, in particular the earliest phases of features discovered in Szeligi (Płock District, Poland), Haćki (Bielsk District, Poland), and Zymne (Volodomyr Region, Ukraine).}, type={Text}, title={Spatial Use and Structure of Fortifications of the Early Medieval Stronghold at Pasym in the Masurian Lakeland}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/238480/2_3329-Article%20Text-12778-16484-10-20221229-1.pdf}, keywords={Early Middle Ages, stronghold, fortifications, West Balt Circle, dwellings}, }