@misc{Liana_Anna_Fauna_2002, author={Liana, Anna}, volume={1}, number={1}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 1, z. 1 (2002)}, howpublished={online}, year={2002 (wyd. 2002-2003)}, publisher={Towarzystwo Fizjograficzne}, language={pol}, abstract={Lasy Janowskie are a part of the former Puszcza Sandomierska (Primaeval Forest of Sandomierz) which, hundreds of years ago, covered the entire Kotlina Sandomierska (Sandomierska Basin) - a geographical mesoregion situated between the Carpathian Mts and an upland belt, within the Tertiary sub-Carpathian depression. At present, Lasy Janowskie are one of the largest, compact and ancient forest complexes in Poland. They are listed in the all-Polish programme of Forest Promotional Complexes and protected as a landscape park. This complex, dominated by pine tree stands and with pine as a main forest-forming species, seems to be rather monotonous yet the diversity of the habitats and of the vegetation cover is very high. There have been recorded over 200 plant associations, and most of them are open associations: peat, marsh, meadow and grassland ones. In comparison with the vast area of forest associations, open ones occupy relatively smali areas, frequently af ecotone character, but they are very important for photophilous and thermophilous orthopterans. A total of 44 species of Orthoptera was recorded; the presence of a dozen of them is an indication of high habitat diversity of the complex. The orthopterofauna of this area shows essential links with the Carpathian fauna and with that of upland regions (particularly that of Roztocze). Moreover, by certain peculiar features it is close to the fauna of Puszcza Kampinoska (Primaeval Forest of Kampinos). The presence of Tetrix ceperoi jarockii, characteristic of peatbogs and swamps between dunes, is a feature distinguishing faunas of these two forest complexes. The most common and most abundant orthopterans there are those with totally different habitat requirements: psammophilous species (Myrmeleotettix maculatus, Chorthippus brun- neus, Oedipoda caerulescens') on the one hand and hygrophilous ones (Conocephalus dorsalis, Tetrix undulata, Chrysochraon dispar, Chorthippus montanus) on the other. Of the species recorded from Lasy Janowskie, 11 are worthy of mention here. They are: Ephippiger ephippiger, Phaneroptera falcata, Tetrix ceperoi jarockii, Podismci pedestris, Euthystira brachyptera, Stenobothrus nigromaculatus, Omocestus rufipes, Gomphocerippus ru- fus, Chorthippus yagans, Psophus stridulus, Sphingonotus caerulans. Phaneroptera falcata and Stenobothrus nigromaculatus are xerothermophilous species. The former, with its origin probably in the fauna of the south-Eurosiberian steppe-oak-forest zonę, in Poland is associated mainly with xerothermic bushlands and grasslands. In Lasy Janowskie the species seems to be an expanding one. Stenobothrus nigromaculatus is e steppe species which, in Poland, occurs in Stipetum grassland habitats on the lower Nida and in moorlands in some regions with a warm and dry climats. The species was found at two sites in Lasy Janowskie. Podisma pedestris represents the boreal-montane chorologic element in our fauna, and beyond the mountains it is recorded from dispersed lowland and upland sites, especially in Roztocze and in Pojezierze Mazurskie (Mazury Lakę District). The occurence of Euthystira brachyptera, and Gomphocerippus rufus too, is a boreal-montane character in Europę. The former is common in Lasy Janowskie, the latter was collected at one site only. The frequent and abundant occurence of Eu. brachyptera and Omocestus rufipes may be considered one of the most characteristic features of the orthopterofauna of Lasy Janowskie. Both species were often found at the same sites and for both the early succession stages in marsh and moist pine-forest habitats seem to be preferred. The above species are frequently accompanied by Chorthippus yagans, and this is evidence of a great habitat mosaic in Lasy Janowskie because Ch. yagans is rather characteristic of ecotone associations in moist forest of the Leucobryo-Pinetum type.}, type={Text}, title={Fauna prostoskrzydłych (Orthoptera) Lasów Janowskich}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/235614/WA058_271327_P6730_NPF.pdf}, keywords={Lasy Janowskie, Kotlina Sandomierska, Orthoptera, prostoskrzydłe}, }