@misc{_Geographical, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to discuss various phenomena concerning the transposition of geographical names presented in the French diary of Franciszek Dalerac, the courtier of Polish King Jan Sobieski, and referring to places located in Poland in the second part of the 17th century. The analysis is focused especially on those places situated in the area of the former eastern borderlines (Right-bank Ukraine and the area of Podolia with Kamianets) and the territories outside Poland that were important for Polish history, mainly areas belonging to the then Moldavia, Wallachia and Bukovina). The French polyglot was interested in linguistics and therefore included in his diary geographical names exotic to him. On the one hand, he tried to reflect their original Polish pronunciation and spelling and on the other he subjected them to adaptation.}, type={Text}, title={Geographical names from 17th century Poland and the neighbouring regions in the diary of Franciszek Dalerac titled “Les anecdotes de Pologne ou memoires secrets du regne de Jean Sobieski III du nom”}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/233748/350-Tekst%20artyku%C5%82u-1264-1-10-20211230.pdf}, keywords={onymy, geographical names, language adaptation, translation, diary}, }