@misc{_"There, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={There are many studies concerning Wisława Szymborska’s works, especially in the field of literary studies. Researchers (including S. Balbus, E. Balcerzan, A. Legeżyńska) have discussed in detail the features and the most important themes of her poetry. They also paid attention to stylistic devices and language games used by the poet. However, they were little interested in the onymic layer of her poems. Meanwhile, Szymborska’s poetry is a rich source of proper names, which appear independently or constitute elements of metaphors and comparisons. Among these onyms, there are both anthroponyms and place names, hydronyms and ideonyms. The poet’s oeuvre also includes works devoid of proper names, which is also an important signal of textual functions (e.g. concealment, evanescence, uncertainty). The conducted analyses (e.g. of the poem “Portrait of a woman”) show how the analysis of proper names enriches the interpretative conclusions.}, type={Text}, title={"There are not enough mouths to utter all your fleeting names, o water" — proper names in Wisława Szymborska's works}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/233744/347-Tekst%20artyku%C5%82u-1261-1-10-20211230.pdf}, keywords={literary onomastics, proper names in poetry, Wisława Szymborska}, }