@misc{Popławski_Emil_Are_2021, author={Popławski, Emil}, volume={35}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Socjolingwistyka}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the article, using the available lexical data (from dictionaries of the Polish language and Dictionary of the Polish local dialects and its card index), verifies the status of words (and several phraseologisms) considered as regionalisms in Białystok and the surrounding area (a total of 83 units). These regionalisms were presented in the article by Piotr Wróblewski Regionalizmy w języku inteligencji białostockiej (1981). This article is a kind of report from many years of direct observations of the researcher.The author of this article asks the following questions: Do these lexemes occur (did they occur) outside the studied area and in what variation of the language?It turns out that only a few (12 in total) can be considered, without any doubts, as regionalisms, e.g.: dętka ‘Christmas ball’, pacan ‘man of short stature’, sokotać ‘grumble’. On the other hand, some lexemes (14 in total) intuitively fall into this group. A significant part of the analyzed words is known in the language – from other varieties, times, styles or areas of occurrence.The verification once again confirmed the thesis about the slight regional differentiation of the Polish language in the field of lexis. This state of affairs makes it difficult to identify regionalisms. However, it shows Polish as a relatively uniform language, which does not cause any major communication problems between the inhabitants of particular regions of Poland. This situation deserves to be emphasized, especially against the background of sometimes significant regional differences in the language in many countries.In addition, the author joins the researchers who point to the great need to specify the term regionalism in relation to the Polish language.An extensive annex is added to the article, containing data on the analyzed words and phraseologisms obtained from the lexicographic sources included.}, type={Text}, title={Are These Words Known (Only) in Białystok? Analysis of the Lexical Status of Words Considered as Regionalisms in Białystok and the Surrounding Area}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/233319/PDF/317-Tekst%20artyku%C5%82u-1468-1-10-20211231.pdf}, keywords={language regionalism, item of a dialekt (word or phraseologism), Polish language, Białystok}, }