@misc{Bieńkowski_Rafał_Photogrammetry_2017, author={Bieńkowski, Rafał and Buell, M. and McEnroe, J. and Botero, Jorge}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Raport Badawczy = Research Report}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk}, publisher={Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={Today photogrammetry is a widely used tool in archaeological practice, although it is often auxiliary to traditional methods of documentation. In this paper we present a different perspective on photogrammetry, that is large scale landscape documentation of an archaeological site and its microregion. This method allows to gather large amount of data, that can be used to a wide variety of analysis focusing on the relation between the site and its environs.}, type={Text}, title={Photogrammetry for large scale documentation. The case of the microregion of the Minoan site of Gournia}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/217467/PDF/RB-2017-49.pdf}, }