@misc{_File_1962, editor={Wł. Rydzewski, dr}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={1962}, language={pol}, abstract={Autopsy examination of 77-year-old patient was performed. Neuropathological evaluation in light microscopy was based on brain paraffin sections stained with Hematoxylin-eosin, van Gieson, orcein and reticulin.A hemorrhagic focus was present in the white matter of the frontal region and basal ganglia (anterior part of caudate nucleus and putamen). The edge of the hemorrhagic focus showed glial-mesodermal organization. A hemorrhagic focus was evident in the surrounding tissue, complete necrosis with numerous macrophages on the cortical side, some of which were filled with blood-derived pigment. The preserved parts of the basal nuclei showed signs of edema in the form of significant widening of perivascular and pericellular spaces. The ventricular system showed limited loss of ependyma with widening od sub-ependymal fibrous layer. The walls of the cerebral vessels and meninges were vitrified, fibrotic, and sparse small-cell infiltrates were seen around some. The meninges were thickened and fibrotic. The subarachnoid spaces in the frontal region near the focus were filled with hemolyzed blood and numerous macrophages laden with blood pigment. Histological diagnosis: Haemorrhagia}, title={File of histopathological evaluation of nervous system diseases (1962) - nr 218/62}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/213887/PDF/218_62.pdf}, keywords={Vascular diseases- hemorrhages}, }